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The sun is one of nature's ultimate healers when soaked in properly, but if you are a sun bum, Sabbath's sun protectant is a perfect natural alternative to store bought sunscreens that contain known irrentants, inflammatory oils, frangrances, and carcinogens. Using pure zinc along with some of nature's natural sun protectants, Sabbath's Belen offers soothing and nourishing protection intended to be used in the heat of they day with an estimated SPF of 30.


SKU: 0025
  • -Zinc, 15%.

    -Carrot Seed Oil, 2%.

    -Coffee Extract, 2%.

    -Coconut Oil, Organic

    -Jojoba, Organic

    -Helichrysum infused MCT oil

    -Beeswax, Organic

  • A little goes a long way! Sabbath Belen is gentle enough for both face and body.

    Sabbath suggests to not use sun protection during the hours from Sunrise to 1100am and from 1600 to Sunset UNLESS outside for more than an hour. These hours are vital hours to soak up vitamin D and other healing benefits of the sun. If out during the heat of the day Sabbath's Belen has estimated SPF of 30 with 15% Zinc oxide. Apply as often as desired.**


    **These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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